I don't know what it is about these little packages of love and fruity goodness, but I know that I must cook them and then...eat them.
I'm really trying to eat a low carb and calorie diet right now, but it has brought out some pregnant-like cravings that I just can't stand.
Crepes and Blintzes are all I want.
I want them with sour cream at noon.
I want to eat them on the moon.
I want their
I want them on all even days.
It tortures me! I need to be done with this low carb diet.
Or, I need to just make a whole big bunch and take them to someone else's house and watch them eat them. No, I don't think I could resist.
What tortures you with cravings?
Hang in there friend. You're almost done!!! In about 3 wks you could make those and bring 'em here, especially with Nutella :D